Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
Far from being mere words on paper, the defense of these God-given rights sparked our forefathers to put their own lives, fortunes, and sacred honor on the line against the most powerful nation on earth two hundred and thirty seven years ago.
As we gather with friends and loved ones to celebrate today, I hope we’ll remember not only the principles our Founders fought for, but the boldness with which they made their stand.
I’m thankful that Campaign for Liberty members have also refused to bow the knee in the face of ever-growing, ever-intrusive government.
Thanks to your support, C4L has grown from an idea to a nationwide grassroots force of almost three quarters of a million members in only five years.
C4L’s ability to mobilize Americans to advance liberty was showcased when my Audit the Fed bill passed in the U.S. House last summer.
I believe that historic moment in our fight against the Fed’s secrecy was only a taste of successes to come.
Just think of how many have learned about sound money and transparency through this one project – over 70% of Americans now support Audit the Fed!
There seems to be no limit to the Big Government attacks coming out of Washington, D.C. and state capitols these days, but C4L members continue to push back.
Just some of the other issues Campaign for Liberty has worked on these past five years include protecting the Second Amendment, promoting health freedom, defending civil liberties, and upholding Internet freedom against unrelenting assaults from the taxman and the spyman.
In fact, C4L was instrumental in 2010 in defeating the free speech-infringing “Disclose” Act that was directly targeted at our donors’ privacy.
They also joined with my son Rand in 2011 to nearly derail renewal of key “Patriot” Act provisions.
This year, C4L’s efforts have stunned the lobbyists and special interests by helping to stall the Internet Tax Mandate, and C4L staff is continuing to grow the opposition to stop this tax entirely.
C4L members have also been successful on the state level. State C4L groups have defeated state tax hikes, gun grabs, ObamaCare expansion, and other power grabs.
Just this past week, Campaign for Liberty activists in Delaware led an effort to defeat HB 88. HB 88 would have given new powers to state bureaucrats to deny Delaware citizens their Second Amendment rights by declaring them “mentally ill.”
Despite pulling out all the stops — including a special weekend session and lobbying from Attorney General Beau Biden — the bill’s supporters could not stop Campaign for Liberty from defeating this gun-grabbing bill.
In the face of unprecedented challenges to our freedoms, we are making great strides in its defense.
So as you and I celebrate today, may we renew our commitment to pursuing our cause to victory.
Thank you for all you do to keep C4L at the forefront of the fight for liberty.
In Liberty,

Ron Paul