Revolution PAC kicks off caucuses with third live election results show.

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In addition to real-time coverage of the Nevada contest, Saturday’s program – the third in RevPAC’s groundbreaking alternative news series – will examine the Maine Caucuses, taking place over the next week, as well as Tuesday’s Colorado and Minnesota caucuses. Participants numbered in the tens of thousands during the super committee’s first two live broadcast events.
“Ron Paul placed second in Nevada in 2008, and he’s only grown his wellspring of support in the Silver State since that time,” explains Revolution PAC Chairman Gary Franchi. “Clearly, the caucus process favors a candidate with a fervent following, like Rep. Paul, and Revolution PAC is thrilled to again be on the front lines Saturday in covering what is certain to be an invigorating outcome for the grassroots.”
Live election analysis will be provided Saturday via Skype by Revolution PAC’s Nevada correspondents, author and founder of the Blue Republican movement Robin Koerner, author and esteemed Austrian Economist Walter Block, and political writer and Republican Liberty Caucus Chairman Dave Nalle. An in-studio panel will field viewers’ Twitter and chat room queries and break down the most important issues in the race to the Republican National Convention in August.
Revolution PAC’s first-of-its-kind webcast January 21 followed the super committee’s call for a nationwide boycott of cable/network outlets, which have exhibited consistent reporting bias against Rep. Paul. On-the-ground reports suggest that at least one network – CNN – has moved with some damage control, reassigning correspondent Dana Bash from Ron Paul campaign coverage following subjective statements raised by Revolution PAC.
“While corporate media conspires to consolidate support behind its preferred candidate, ‘We the People’ must work harder and more creatively to have our voice heard,” continues Franchi. “Bottom line, delegates are the key to winning the Republican nomination. CNN and Fox won’t give you the straight story on that process. Revolution PAC will.”
The latest USA Today/Gallup Poll shows Ron Paul and Mitt Romney as the only Republican contenders competitive against Barack Obama in November.
Revolution PAC is supporting U.S. Rep. Ron Paul’s bid for the Republican presidential nomination and his consistent, constitutional message with targeted TV advertising, direct mail campaigns and innovative Web promotions complemented by billboards and radio ads in key primary states. Unlimited donations by individuals, businesses and organizations are being accepted by Revolution PAC to support that effort.
Source: Revolution PAC
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