Brandstad: Paul plan “boldest to reduce the federal deficit,” notes Revolution PAC.

“Spending is a tax,” explained Paul. “So many come up short [because] they’re not willing to talk about significant cuts in spending.”
The post-WWII economic boom, Paul said, validates that significant federal spending cuts, tax cuts and less foreign involvement can dramatically boost domestic prosperity.
“You need to cleanse the system, get rid of the malinvestment, get rid of the debt,” Paul continued, “otherwise you can’t have economic growth. And, that’s what they refuse to accept.”
Rep. Paul’s comments came in the wake of Monday’s ominous news that U.S. total debt had exceeded $15 trillion, surpassing gross domestic product for the first time in more than 50 years.
At the forum, Paul also stressed his longstanding support of low regulations and tariffs, market-driven interest rates, a value-based currency, domestic trade authority, monetary policy transparency, and a free market approach that would curb all artificial stimulus schemes and price controls.
“Iowa manufacturers, and Americans everywhere, are looking for a straight talker who will actually do something to arrest the country’s decline,” explains Tom Woods, Revolution PAC Honorary Advisory Board Chairman. “In Mitt Romney and in former Kansas City Federal Reserve Chairman Herman Cain, neither of whom bothered to show up, they have the usual flip-flopping and shell games. Instead of shifting taxes around and being coy about spending, Ron Paul wants to repeal taxes and has shown us exactly what he’ll cut. That kind of courage plays well in Iowa.”
Woods, a senior fellow at the Ludwig von Mises Institute, has called Cain’s signature 9-9-9 Plan “revenue-neutral tax shifting,” without provisions for significant cuts.
“The real problem with Romney and Cain are their own records,” Woods continues. “They both enthusiastically supported TARP, which Reagan budget director David Stockman has called ‘the single greatest economic-policy abomination since the 1930s, or perhaps ever.’”
Woods concludes, “On the major economic issue of our time, Cain and Romney sided with the New York Times and Barack Obama against the American people. What on earth is there for conservatives and tea partiers to like about candidates like these?”
Rep. Paul is proving a force to be reckoned with in Hawkeye State, winning Saturday’s National Federation of Republican Assemblies Straw Poll in Des Moines, garnering 82 percent of the vote among Iowans and leading in Iowa Power Rankings.
Revolution PAC is bolstering Ron Paul’s consistent constitutional and limited government message with targeted TV advertising campaigns complemented by billboards and radio ads in key primary states. Unlimited donations by individuals, businesses and organizations are being accepted by Revolution PAC to support that effort.
Source: Revolution Super PAC. Video was included in original press release.
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